Video Advertising
Advertising in motion
Video remains the preferred tool for engaging users as well as for obtaining new leads and conversions. That is why video planning is increasingly taking center stage in digital advertising, drawing in the entire sector, both in terms of devices and of connected TVs.
The versatility of video formats
We can help you with video planning, both in terms of outstream video ads, which is when the advertising video is positioned in a context different from that of the video, and of instream video ads, where the advertising video is placed within a video, as occurs on Youtube, as well as on Twitch, TikTok and Snapchat.
Television is also adapting to digital, in particular by embracing new formats for programmatic TV, where it is possible to develop advertising content tailored to the user, with interesting profiling possibilities.
Experience and interaction
We plan video campaigns with the objectives of awareness and performance, all while connecting digital analytics systems so as to correctly analyze results and optimize planned budgets.
The evolution of video has changed in terms of creativity and information as well. The goal is to develop products that, through interaction with the user, help us to collect data that is useful for implementing a remarketing strategy.
Our partnership
Thanks to the skills we’ve acquired in the field, we are specialized on every advertising platform. Thus are we able to help your company to reach the goals it has set for itself, using different marketing vehicles and platforms synergistically and maximizing your budget.