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Business Insights& Data Intelligence

From insight to actionables

We start with the data from your site, extracting insight and information that is important if you wish to make data-based business decisions. For example, you might decide to shift planning from one marketing vehicle to another, recommend related products, or opt for a more streamlined purchasing journey.

The evolution of Data Science

Machine-learning algorithms, neural networks and artificial intelligence present us with new opportunities and challenges, helping us to find solutions to problems that, until now, were considered unsolvable. The limits of Data Science cannot be
defined, because different company areas must share expertise and know-how in order to fully appreciate the value of data and its potential. Every day, such sharing helps us to create solutions designed to control and maximize what you offer.



Offlineto Online

Combinations of data and analysis

Harnessing the potential of data

Data is the engine that powers any successful digital business, forming the foundation of every decision. With a clear and well-defined business objective in mind, you can determine which data collection and assessment actions are needed to
extract information of true benefit.


Our Case Studies


CRO: from tactics to strategy

Chicco - Artsana

Migration to GA4 and SEO strategy

Designing a new user experience

A redesign and replatforming project

The new, international e-commerce

Multilingual SEO Strategy and Digital Analytics